Peekaboo Docs

Peekaboo is a System Monitoring CLI tool built in Rust. It allows you to monitor various system parameters such as CPU usage, memory usage, disk usage, and network usage.




  1. Clone the repository: git clone

  2. Extract the cloned directory, and add it to your environment's PATH variable for easy access:

    1. Search for "Edit environment variables" in your Windows Search bar and click on the search result.
    2. Under "System Variables" (for all users), select "Path" => "Edit". In case you lack the permissions to edit System variables, just edit the Path variable under "User Variables".
    3. A table pops up showing the directories included in the current PATH. Click on "New" ⇒ "Browse..." to select the cloned Peekaboo directory. Click on ⇒ "OK" (Don't "Cancel") ⇒ "OK" ⇒ "OK".
    4. (For older Windows) If you didn't see a pop-up table, it is time to change your computer.


The monitored stats currently dont refresh on their own. Run the commands again to get new stats.


CPU Usage:

CPU usage

Memory and Disk usage:

Memory and Disk usage

Network usage:

Network Usage

Show all parameters

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